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Dynamics 365 Community / Blogs / Community Spotlight Blog / Gerardo Daniel Rentería Gar...

Gerardo Daniel Rentería García - Community Spotlight

Bret Fraser Profile Picture Bret Fraser Community Manager

We are excited to recognize Gerardo Daniel Rentería García as our April 2024 Community Spotlight honoree!

Gerardo's journey in the ERP field began in Lima, Peru, in 2008 with Nav 5.0. He learned a lot from a great person who took the solution under his arm to Lima, books in pdf, and good people who shared their knowledge through their blogs and communities like Mibuso, which helped Gerardo a lot in his technical and functional growth.

Since that date, Gerardo has had the great fortune to participate in projects with large companies in the Latin American region, in countries such as Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru, from various sectors, providing many solutions for the localizations of these countries that are not supported by MS. Gerardo has been able to provide support in functional and technical positions within the ERP implementation process. Although his development base has always led him to opt for technical activities in addition to team management, seeing his colleagues grow and learn is a reward for him. Gerardo has been lucky to have great companions on this journey who have accompanied him until now.

Gerardo made the leap to Andorra and Spain, where he is now, playing the same role, learning and applying every day the new technologies that accompany the dizzying growth of Business Central, such as BI, Power Platform, and now with the tsunami of AI, too much information that it won't be possible to keep up with everything, which is why communities like these are so important for us to help each other. Many times, someone has already come across your incident or your observation, and that person has possibly written a blog post or responded on a forum. Gerardo tries to do that now, as those who helped him did before, through this community, his social networks, and his blog. Gerardo hopes to continue contributing and learning.


"I really believe in a phrase that has been with me for a long time, and that is that when one teaches, two learn. The community is a space where knowledge is shared and all its participants are constantly learning. Let's continue with this constant support."

Gerardo Daniel Rentería García - Solution Architect


Gerardo's impressive showing of suggested and verified answers in the forums have helped many in the community, and we look forward to his future contributions!

Follow Gerardo in the Dynamics 365 community and connect on LinkedIn, follow his blog, or follow on Twitter.



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