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Dynamics 365 Community / Blogs / Dynamics 365 Shorts / Enabling Copilot Case and C...

Enabling Copilot Case and Conversation Summaries | Getting Started with Dynamics 365 Shorts


Check out video seven in our Dynamic 365 “Getting Started With” series, as we take a look at how Copilot case and conversation summaries can enable agents to easily recap an ongoing chat, transcribe a voice conversation, and so much more. 


Copilot conversation summaries enable agents to not only collaborate effectively with other agents and contacts, but also understand the context of a case, generate a concise summary, and even include email activity records to help resolve customer issues efficiently.  


Click the link below to visit the Microsoft Learn website to discover how you can enable Copilot case and conversation summaries today!   


And don’t forget that you can discover more tasty tips over on the Microsoft community website, where you can connect with thousands of other users just like you. Click the link below to sign up and start exploring.  


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