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Upcoming TechTalk: Unified Development Experience for Finance and Operations (DTV055EXT)

The unified developer experience consolidates the disparate developer tools and environments across finance and operations apps and Power Platform to reduce friction and simplify working across these apps. 


Peter Villadsen, Principal Software Architect 
Suresh Kopalle, Principal Engineering Manager
Saurabh Kuchhal, Senior Solution Architect
Pankaj Thakur, Principal Software Engineer
Priyanka Sinha, Senior Customer Solution Architect
Takamitsu Endo, Senior Solution Architect
Attend the Live Event
This web conference is virtual event and is being offered live at two separate times to accommodate various time zones and busy schedules.  The Presenters will cover the same topics at each session; please attend the one that best fits your schedule
Session 1
Date: May 29th, 2024
Time: 10:00 PM – 11:00 PM PT
Join: Download the .ics file below and save it to your calendar or click on the following link to join on this date and time: Join the Live Event
Session 1 - TechTalk Unified Development Experience for Finance and Operations (DTV055EXT1).ics
Session 2
Date: May 30th, 2024
Time: 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM PT
Join: Download the .ics file below and save it to your calendar or click on the following link to join on this date and time: Join the Live Event
Session 2 - TechTalk Unified Development Experience for Finance and Operations (DTV055EXT2).ics
Convert to your Time Zone here:  Time Zone Converter


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