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How to add profile photo of receiver's contact person?

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In a Realtime marketing email using the conditional content function I want to add the profile photo and contact info of the receiver's contact person. The receiver and contact person are linked in Dynamics Sales and the contact people have profile photos added to their profiles. I have no problem in adding the name and contact details of the contact person but I can't figure out how to pull the profile photo from the contact persons profile. Is it possible? 
I know that I can export the profile photos and upload them to Realtime marketing and then link them but that's a hassle as its 100+ contact people and its changing quite often. I'm thinking that there must be a way and I can't be the only one in this situation? The photos are already in the system and linked to the contact person but I just can't figure out how to reach them from Realtime marketing.
I'm afraid it might be because the profile photos are stored in Sales and not accessible from the internet by default, therefor the receivers email client can access them.
Hoping for a clever solution or workaround :)
  • Dengliang Li Profile Picture
    Dengliang Li Microsoft Employee on at
    How to add profile photo of receiver's contact person?
    Has the issue been solved?
    Have there been any updates? Please feel free to ask me if you have any questions!
    If it has been resolved, can you mark the response as an answer?
  • Suggested answer
    Dengliang Li Profile Picture
    Dengliang Li Microsoft Employee on at
    How to add profile photo of receiver's contact person?
    In my test, there is an image column ( primary image ) in the contact entity.
    Then add a formula column to display the GUID of the contact record.
    Use the download URL of the image column as the URL of the image.
    Replace the value of the Id attribute in the download URL of the image column with the previously created formula column.
    https://<YourOrg><Image column logical name>&Id={{ContactID}}&Full=true
    This way when you send an email to a different contact, the dynamic field in the URL of that image is replaced with the GUID of that contact, which is displayed as that contact's image.
    However, this method has flaws.
    When you update the images in your contacts, the images in your emails may not be updated in a timely manner.
    If my answer was helpful, please click Like, and if it solved your problem, please mark it as verified to help other community members find more.
    If you have further questions, please feel free to contact me .
    Best Regards,
    Dengliang Li

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