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Number Sequence Alert/Notification when "Next" Value is Approaching "Largest" Value?

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Hi All,
Does anyone know if there is an out-of-the-box feature that can be configured to generate an alert when number sequences are starting to reach their "Largest" value? I recall seeing this at a previous company that I worked for but didn't know if it was something provided natively. This alert would apply for all number sequences. 
Example: A simple number sequence is configured for free text invoices using length 3 and format of ###. The smallest number allocation is "1", with "999" as the largest. When the "Next" number allocation reaches 900, an alert would be sent notifying a user that the number sequence is approaching its largest allocation. 
  • Verified answer
    JFRAR Profile Picture
    JFRAR on at
    Number Sequence Alert/Notification when "Next" Value is Approaching "Largest" Value?

    Hi All,
    Thank you very much for the responses/suggestions so far. I found that "Optimization advisor" gets me the information I am looking for. 
  • Adis Profile Picture
    Adis 144 on at
    Number Sequence Alert/Notification when "Next" Value is Approaching "Largest" Value?
    Are you using Power Automate? I would check if there is an entity for the number seq., which I think exists. Then you could create a recurrence flow that sends a mail\Teams notification when a certain number seq. has been reached. 
    As you need it for all number seq., the question is if you can see the max number for each seq., send mail when (max number *0,9) has been reached. In case you have max no. of 99999 you want to be alert around 9999, but in case of max no. of 999 you want to be alert around 900.
    So, maybe you need to extend the entity, if so, then maybe a Business event is suitable, then you dont need the recurrence.
    Kind regards, Adis
  • Layan Jwei Profile Picture
    Layan Jwei 4,102 Super User on at
    Number Sequence Alert/Notification when "Next" Value is Approaching "Largest" Value?
    I assume this will require customization (development) as I don't think there is sth standard.
    There is a similar thread that might help
    Layan Jweihan
    Please mark this answer as "Verified" if it solved your issue. In order to help others who will face a similar issue in the future
  • Suggested answer
    Anton Venter Profile Picture
    Anton Venter 5,058 Super User on at
    Number Sequence Alert/Notification when "Next" Value is Approaching "Largest" Value?
    There is no standard functionality that will alert you when the number sequence is approaching the maximum. You could export the number sequences to Excel once in while to find any number sequences that are almost running out of numbers.

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