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Management reporter - week days

Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Hi. I want to create a report with for example the past 4 weeks in columns, and that being Monday till Sunday.

I can only find reports were coloums are divided by days of a months, e.g. day 1 to 7, but it has to be by week dat and not date (for example having the current week number as BASE would be perfect). Is there anyway of doing this? Thanks. 

  • Management reporter - week days
    Has anyone found a solution or only to change the fiscal calendar?
  • Abdo Khoury Profile Picture
    Abdo Khoury 14,849 on at
    RE: Management reporter - week days

    Hello Linda

    I hope you are well ,

    as a conclusion , we are not able to do it per Week unless we hard code the date in the column template , correct?

    i would be very interested to know if you were able to reach that


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Management reporter - week days

    As I read here, I can add as many fiscal calendars as I want (, without affecting the ledger calendar, which I of course would not change to 52 weeks. .

    Yes - if for example the BASE period is September, column C returns YTD balance in August. Column D returns YTD for September. Therefore, column E returns the period September. I cannot see how I get the week from your example. 

    For example, I want in columns: week, 34, week 35, week 36, week 37 (11th till 17th og September). The only way I see doing that now is writing the exact dates in the column definition, and I would prefer a solution were we do not have to change the dates every week. 

  • Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Management reporter - week days

    Hi Linda,

    I would not split up my fiscal calendar periods from months to weeks just for reporting issues related to management reporter. Unless you have very good reasons for doing that - for example you have to provide weekly rather than monthly reports for your management - I would not do that.

    Have you actually tested the column definition that I posted above?

    Best regards,


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Management reporter - week days

    Hi Ludwig,

    Thanks for your answer.

    I think I found the solution in the fiscal calandar settings in AX - we currently only have months, and I guess I have to create the weeks here first to use them as BASE period.


  • Suggested answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Management reporter - week days

    Hi SMLB,

    Wouldn't the following Setup give you the amount you are looking for?


    * Column c and d are non-printing columns

    * Column c calculates the YTD Balance until 4 weeks ago

    * Column d calculates the current YTD balance

    * Column e calculates the difference between column c and d and should give you the amount you are looking for.

    Would be great if you could test and let us know if this answers your question

    Best regards,


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