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Custom SLA KPI for Case for reactivated case.

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Hi All,
We have a scenario where the users require two different sla kpi for initial case resolution and reopened case kpi. hence we created a custom sla kpi for reopened case and configured that in our sla configuration.

In the Case SLA configuration, we have 2 steps one is Initial case resolution (Resolve by KPI) and another one is for Reopened Case (Re-opened Case KPI).

The success criteria for Initial Case resolution is considered the when the case contains “First Time resolved In” and “First Time resolved” as “yes”. When the case is resolved we update the “First Time resolved In” with the case resolved time and “First Time resolved” as yes from the plugin.

When the case is reactivated for the noncompliant case(initial case resolution - sla failed), both the Resolve by KPI and Reopened case KPI process triggers in the backend and it satisfies the “Resolve by KPI” condition and it is updated as succeeded.

Is there a way to trigger only the Re-opened Case KPI when the case is reactivated and whatever the initial case resolution is status is available it should not change .?
  • Suggested answer
    Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    Custom SLA KPI for Case for reactivated case.
    Hi Partner,
    Oh! . Yes .....
    When you update the target record, so that the Applicable when/from changes condition is no more applicable, the SLA KPI status moves from one of the existing states of In progress, Succeeded, Nearing Non-compliance, or Expired to the Canceled state.
    The SLA KPI instance is canceled on the second evaluation because the Applicable when condition is no longer met. 
    But, if the applicable when condition not change, this initial sla item will be triggered again when the case is reactived.
    So it either gets retriggered to recalculate again, or the state changes to canceled, and the existing functionality can't do the third possibility. 

    I hope you can mark my answer verified if it is helpful! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
  • Ash06 Profile Picture
    Ash06 102 on at
    Custom SLA KPI for Case for reactivated case.
    Hi Leah Ju,
    Thanks for your advice. We have tried this option already and however isInitial Field is updated during the case resolution and hence the Initial Case Resolution SLA wil be canceled since the isInitial value is modified and also mentioned in the applicable when condition.

  • Suggested answer
    Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    Custom SLA KPI for Case for reactivated case.
    Hi Partner,
    For the "Initial Case Resolution" sla item, what conditions have you set on the triggers (what are the conditions in "Applicable when")?
    If you don't want it to be triggered also when you reactive cases, you need to add a trigger condition on the "Applicable when" of "Initial Case Resolution" sla item.
    In the Applicable When section, define the conditions for when the SLA can be applied for the entity.
    The SLA is triggered when the applicable when condition is met throughout. If the applicable when condition isn't met after an SLA is triggered, the SLA KPI instance gets canceled. We recommend that you don't use case fields that are updated frequently because any change to the field value might lead to cancelation of the SLA item.
    You can create one new custom field--IsInitial, which is used to distinguish whether the current case has been resolved before.
    --You can use workflow to update the field value to 'No' automatically when you resolve the case.
    Then you can add 'isInitial = Yes' as condition on the "Applicable when" of "Initial Case Resolution" sla item.

    I hope you can mark my answer verified if it is helpful! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

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