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Pick same item from 2 different Bins in same location issue

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Hi Experts,
I'm facing an issue with creating sales shipment document from sales order with basic warehouse settings.
Lets say I have an item on 2 different bins, Bin-A and Bin-B in same location.
My sales order have only 1 line of quantity 2, BUT when I create sales shipment document, that document have only 1 shipment line.
We can't post that shipment because the bin has only 1 quantity in inventory for item. I can't change the quantity of shipment line also because in standard that is not possible.
My location setting is as follows
Thanks for time.
  • Abdullah Khalid Profile Picture
    Abdullah Khalid 134 on at
    Pick same item from 2 different Bins in same location issue
    Thanks for your efforts to look into problem.
    I guess I can achieve/ handle this issue with pick BUT customer is not using pick functionality.
  • Abdullah Khalid Profile Picture
    Abdullah Khalid 134 on at
    Pick same item from 2 different Bins in same location issue
    Hi YUNZHU 
    I appreciate your effort BUT in BC quantity field is not editable. We can't change the shipment line quantity.
  • Suggested answer
    Ben Baxter Profile Picture
    Ben Baxter 4,156 Moderator on at
    Pick same item from 2 different Bins in same location issue
    Based on your requirement, you may want to use Picks instead of Warehouse Shipments.  The system should create the Pick for each line since they are in different Bins.  When the Pick is Posted it will mark the Sales Line as Shipped.  This would allow you to Pick both lines in one process and a single Post to Ship the Sales Order.
    Best Regards,
    Ben Baxter
    Accent Software Inc
  • Abdullah Khalid Profile Picture
    Abdullah Khalid 134 on at
    Pick same item from 2 different Bins in same location issue
    Hi YUN ZHU,
    Thanks for your reply. I did customization for that. I'm creating 2 different shipment lines from 1 sales line but still shipment document post sales line one by one. customer requirement is that shipment document should be posted at once. They don't want multiple posted sales shipment documents.
    Sales Line:
    Shipment lines after customization:
    Is it possible to post shipment document at one go?? without multiple posted sales shipments.
  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 62,477 Moderator on at
    Pick same item from 2 different Bins in same location issue
    Hi, if you mean Warehouse Shipment, you can try to change the Qty. to Ship quantity to 1 first, post one of the Bins, and then modify the Bin to post the other one.
    Hope this helps.

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