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error message when selecting a segment missing privilege measure metadata

Posted on by 17
Error message appears in real time marketing for creating selecting a segment.
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()
  • JO-14051158-0 Profile Picture
    JO-14051158-0 6 on at
    error message when selecting a segment missing privilege measure metadata
    One of the users in a trial environment got this freak error when trying to save a segment. We dove into the security roles and realized that priveleges for the custom table "MeasureMetadata" (mscipriv_measuremetadata) - what ever that is there for I dont know - is missing from the security role "Marketing Manager - Business" - and even worse; can not be edited. 

    It turns out you CAN edit the "Marketing Manager" priveleges and we did change the priveleges for the freak table to Org - problem solved

    What remain is the fact that the UNDOCUMENTED security roles in the CIJ app still is an outright mess
  • error message when selecting a segment missing privilege measure metadata
    I'm getting the same error too.
    I want to give the necessary permissions to the role related with MeasureMetaData entity and move it between environments, but I cannot find this table in our development environment. Does anyone know which feature this table comes with?
  • Suggested answer
    RudyZhang Profile Picture
    RudyZhang Microsoft Employee on at
    error message when selecting a segment missing privilege measure metadata
    Based on the error message you provided, we speculate that the issue is due to the fact that you are currently using a User that does not have permissions to the /MeasureMetadata/ entity.
    The tests we have conducted have also verified the above speculation.
    1. We copied the /System Administrator/Security role and removed the permissions for the MeasureMetadata/entity.

    2. Tried to create a segement and got the same error as you.

    3. re-added the permissions for that entity and tested again and was able to create the segmentation.
    I hope my answer is helpful to you! If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me.
    Best Regards,
    Rudy Zhang

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