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Dynamics Health 365 Accelerator Solution First Look

Edgar Wilson Profile Picture Posted by Edgar Wilson 116

With the introduction of Dynamics 365 Healthcare Accelerator, the Dynamics 365 Business Application Platform brings to life its first vertically focused set of Common Data Model extensions. The Dynamics 365 Healthcare accelerator solution adds a robust set of features to the already extensive productivity suite offered by Dynamics 365 specifically for Healthcare.  

In today’s blog, we’ll discuss the Dynamics 365 Health solution and the many facets it encompasses. 

Health Care Solution Components 

 The health care solution consists of several OOB features 

·        Leverages or extends existing Dynamics 365 entities to insure alignment with applications such as Sales, Service and Marketing 

·        Introduces new FHIR HL7 v3.0 entities aligned to the health market 

·        OOB relationships, forms and views to provide a baseline for learning and adoption 

·        OOB UCI application to showcase the rich features of CDS and how the Health accelerator can be used to quickly build new focused applications 

·        Some OOB Workflows to help support adoption and usage 

·        Custom controls which showcase the power of the data supported by the model 

·        Site Map additions to support the entities used by the CDM extensions 

Site Map Extensions 

With the Dynamics Health 365 Accelerator plugged in to the Dynamics 365 platform, you can optimize various aspects of care coordination, segment patients & provider based on EMR data as well as manage the care continuum of all patients leveraging the entire customer engagement solution within Dynamics 365. 

Dynamics Health 365 adds another layer to the rich feature set in the base Dynamics 365 functionality by adding a new ribbon to help manage the special needs of your health organization. This ribbon contains entities to record patient data, appointments, procedures, nutrition orders, Care Plans, and a multitude of other functions. 

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Healthcare Entities

The Healthcare accelerator provides a specific set of primary entities in support of the FHIR HL7 specification. Below are the entities that have been provided in the solution 

·        Patients 

·        Practitioners 

·        Organizations 

·        Devices 

·        Locations 

·        Healthcare Services 

·        Care Plans 

·        Allergy Intolerances 

·        Clinical Impression Problems 

·        Risk Assessments 

·        Observations 

·        Specimens 

·        Encounters 

·        Episodes of care 

·        Medications 

·        Medication Requests 

·        Medication Administration 

Healthcare Workflows 

The following represent the workflows that have been released at this time 

·        Tasks 

·        Appointments (EMR) 

·        Procedures 

·        Nutrition Orders 

·        Referral Requests 

Accelerator Forms 

As mentioned the Dynamics 365 Health Accelerator utilizes out-of-the-box CRM entities along with customized entities to provide this new functionality. Below are some examples of some OOB forms and views which have been created to demonstrate these entities. 

Patient/Practitioner 360 

The ability to see EMR data directly within a patient or practitioner-specific form in Dynamics. The data model has been built to allow for Appointment, Procedure, Medication, and other patient/practitioner data can be seen directly in context in an extremely user-friendly interface. 

Patient 360 

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Provider 360 


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?Patient/Provider Timeline 

Included with the Dynamics Health 365 Accelerator is a built-in patient/provider timeline which displays a sequential view of all activities that have occurred with the patient or provider. The timeline provides the ability to scale leveraging a slider and allows for the user to interact with data directly within the timeline. ? ? 


Care Team Viewer 

A clear view into who is responsible for the various facets of care within a patient’s care team is paramount. Therefore, within the Dynamics Health 365 Accelerator there is a clear and concise care team viewer that allows users to have a visual of who’s responsible for the patient’s care.  


?Healthcare Accelerator and Model Driven Power Apps 

In the mobile-first, cloud-first world of today, being able to view/create EMR data in a mobile interface is something that has escaped the innovations of many providers today. Those days are now over with the introduction of model-driven apps within Dynamics 365. The Dynamics 365 Health Accelerator Solution contains a pre-built app that will fit the form factor of any phone or tablet to provider a seamless user-experience regardless of device. 

Below is an example of a model driven Power App, built from the Healthcare Accelerator 



The Healthcare Accelerator provides features to leverage or build new components and applications on top of the model, whether you are using Power Apps for canvas, model or UCI applications. 

Please be looking for our next blog posts where we will be demonstrating how to extend the model, insert data into the model and create analytics. Also be on the lookout for the API model documentation for creating your own data import and extraction models. 


Customer Engagement Healthcare


*This post is locked for comments

  • pratikchitroda Profile Picture pratikchitroda 25
    Posted at
    Hi Team, we are facing issues in generating test scenario to display to customer. I searched almost everything to have user guide. is there any chance to have user guide. how to perform end to end test case?? Thanks in advance Pratik
  • Abe Saldana Profile Picture Abe Saldana 390
    Posted at
    any walk through information on how to update the sample data and have relevant data so I can present as a demo?
  • clewiston Profile Picture clewiston 5
    Posted at
    I have the Healthcare Accelerator installed, but the app appears to have an issue with correctly displaying the Practitioner entities. When I click on Practitioner, it still just displays the Patient entities. I've created a connected portal to input new records, both on the PATIENT360 form and PHYSICIAN360 form, and it appears that I'm creating Practitioner records in the database, but I can't seem to display them. I'd also like to understand better how to take the Healthcare Accelerator app and extend it -- from the source code (not the Dynamics 365 dashboard). I have the CDS solutions for healthcare cloned locally, but I haven't found any instructions how to load that source code and extend it, with relation to the healthcare accelerator. The instructions for extending the Healthcare Accelerator package appear to only be for extending it from the Dynamics dashboard.
  • Pulsemedic  Profile Picture Pulsemedic
    Posted at
    How to try
  • medwards807 Profile Picture medwards807 15
    Posted at
    does anyone know how the Patients and Practitioners are broken out on the Contact Entity? Is my understanding correct that both are on the contact entity? anyone have insight on how the account and contact entities are organized to support Healthcare Providers, Patients, and Health Associations, Healthcare Networks, Hospitals, and there associated locations?
  • Community Member Profile Picture Community Member Microsoft Employee
    Posted at

    Hi Patients and Practitioners are under the Contact Entity. There are some issues with the app that need a fix  

  • gmotion Profile Picture gmotion 21
    Posted at

    Hello, Anyone knows why I can't see the workflows?

  • gmotion Profile Picture gmotion 21
    Posted at

    Hello, I installed the accelerator, however I can't see the entities and the form doesn't change from patient to practitioner.

  • Renato Follador Profile Picture Renato Follador
    Posted at

    Hello, I've succesfully installed Healt Care Accelerator from AppSource on a demo environment. We already have a customer interested in using it so we are trying it to verify as many feature as possible. We created some activities related to a patient but they didn't appear on the timeline. What do we need to do to see the timeline working properly? Thanks and best regards.


  • Kirsten K Nelson Profile Picture Kirsten K Nelson
    Posted at

    Here's where you can find the solution on the AppSource.