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Partner as an authorized reseller but unable to access ISV module

Posted on by Portable Intelligen... 5

We have developed an ISV module and we want to add it to the license of a customer that is not ours, so we have to do it through their partner adding him as an authorized reseller in the PSBC. We've obtained his partner account number and...
Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Archive)
Suggested answer
Upload files in share point from nav

Posted on by DineshM 221

Hello everyone, I want to upload files from sales requirements page .By crating field which allow data file upload from nav by giving pop up to choose file and then upload to share point folder by login to credential  I have no idea how to do...
Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Archive)
Suggested answer
POPTransactionType example

Posted on by RemRomul 40

Good afternoon, I want to create the PO document using EConnect. Can someone help with what a XML will look like for Purchase orders, the bare minimum of fields that are needed. Thank you in advance. Rem
Microsoft Dynamics GP forum (Archive)
Suggested answer
What is the maximum number of characters in SafePay Configurator header, detail, and footer lines?

Posted on by howieb 50

The manual I have says nothing about the maximum number of characters I can use when setting up a Bank Format. I am getting stopped when trying to create the last field which is filler. I have setup the Bank format to have 9 fields with 722 charac...
Microsoft Dynamics GP forum (Archive)
How to add user for delegate agreement

Posted on by MRizwan 220

Hi please how we can add new user for delegate the purchase agreement in ax 2012 r3. User want to delegate a purchase agreement but when he click on action then says “ delegate the user he want to delegate to is not listed” thanks...
Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archive)