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User group leader getting started

ashleykfelts  | 

Welcome current and future user group leaders! Here is a quick guide to help you get up and running a successful user group in the Community!

Create a new user group

If you don't see a user group you are interested in participating in, start your own!

  1. Sign into the Community with your user profile.
  2. Navigate the user groups home page by selecting User groups from the navigation menu at the top.
  3. To create new group, select the Start a new group button.
  4. You will be prompted to complete a form answering a few questions about your new group. Select Get Started to begin.
  5. Fill out the following:
    • Group name: a unique name for your group. You cannot change this name once it has been submitted, so choose wisely!
    • Location: search for the primary location where your user group will meet at to help interested members find you. This also cannot be changed once it has been submitted.
    • Topics: connect your group with members seeking a similar topic by associating it with the relevant product.
    • Additional leader's username: until the group is active, this field is disabled. It is a good idea to add additional co-leaders once your group has been created.
    • Group description: tell us more about your group! Provide relevant topics, meeting frequency, and other information that will help members get to know your group.
    • Upload cover photo: provide a visual image for your group. You must use a PNG or JPG file that's up to 5 MB, with dimensions of 2,712 x 874 pixels.
      Note: If you do not have a cover photo chosen for your user group, a Microsoft approved photo will appear on your user group homepage.
      Start a new group form

  6. Once you have finished, select Submit to send us your request. We will respond within 2 business days. A user group coordinator may contact you via email or private message in the Community to obtain additional information.

You will be notified once your user group has been accepted. You can then access your new group via your My activity page under the User Groups tab.

User groups tab of the My activity page


After your group has been created

Remember to navigate to your group and to add your co-leaders!

  1. From your user group page, select Manage group, then choose Edit user group.
    Edit user group selection from the Manage group menu

  2. Scroll down and select Add more leaders.
  3. Enter the Community user name of the co-leader you want to add.
  4. If you want to add more leaders, click Add more leaders and repeat the steps.
  5. When you are finished adding leaders, select Submit at the bottom of the form.

Amplify your user group

From your user group page select Share group to spread the word about your newly created user group.

Share group options


You have the option to share a direct link on an external site or you can share your group by clicking on the social icons.


How to create an event

Note: Events can only be created by user group leaders.

To create an event:

  1. Go to your user group page and select Manage group then select Create an event. You can also select the Create and event button from the Events tab.
  2. Complete the form with your event details.
    • Event title: give your event a descriptive name.
    • Select an Event type. Most events are a mix of both Networking and Listening events. Choose which type is the primary purpose.
    • Select the Time Zone the event will be in.
    • Enter the Start dateStart timeEnd date, and End time for your event.
    • Choose and Event format, either Online, In-person, or both. You will need to provide a Meeting link for Online events, and an address for In-person events.
    • You may optionally add the speaker's name and social links, if desired. To add more speakers to your event, select Add more speakers and enter their information.
    • Enter the Event topic. Make sure it aligns with the event title you created earlier.
    • Enter Event description details, including any necessary links or key points you want your user group members to know about. You may also provide additional details about how to reach the event, if required.
    • You may optionally include an image of your own for your event by selecting Upload event cover photo. You must use a PNG or JPG file that's up to 5 MB, with dimensions of 2,712 x 874 pixels.
      Note: If you do not to provide your own event image, a Microsoft approved photo will automatically be shown instead.
    • Once you have finished, select Submit to create your event.
      Create an event form

Your event is now live!


Amplify your Event

Once your event is created, it is time to promote it! Select Add to calendar on your event page to download an .ics file.

Event page Add to calendar button


To share your event on social media, select Share event on your event page and choose one or more of the social sites or copy the link to share anywhere.

Event page sharing options


Tip: If you want your user group members to easily find your new event, try sharing the direct event link to the discussion forum on your user group page.


Messaging your members

On your user group page, select Manage group and then select Message members. Compose your brief message and select Send.
Note: rich text formatting in messages is not yet available.

Compose a message to members


You can see any messages you have sent or received by selecting the bell icon  at the top of the page, or by selecting your profile name at the top of the page and selecting Messages.


How to get user group support

For user group questions, you can reach our user group coordinators at d365ppc@microsoft.com

To submit a request, select the Resources menu and choose Community support.

If you would like to provide your feedback on the Community user group experience, select the Resources menu and choose Community feedback.