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Submit button called in PSAProjInvoiceProposalSubmitToWF

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class PSAProjInvoiceProposalSubmitToWF
    protected void new()
    public static void main(Args _args)
        RecID                   recID               = _args.record().RecId;
        TableId                 tableId             = _args.record().TableId;
        ProjProposalJour        projProposalJour    = _args.record();
        WorkflowWorkItemTable   workItem            = _args.caller().getActiveWorkflowWorkItem();
        WorkflowSubmitDialog    workflowSubmitDialog;
        WorkflowComment         wfComment;
        workflowTypeName        workflowTemplateName = workFlowTypeStr('PSAProjInvoiceProposal');
        // The method has not been called correctly.
        if (tableId != tablenum(ProjProposalJour) ||
            recId == 0)
            throw error(strfmt("@SYS19306", funcname()));
        if (projProposalJour.RecId != 0)
            // The journal does support workflow approvals.
            workflowSubmitDialog = WorkflowSubmitDialog::construct(_args.caller().getActiveWorkflowConfiguration());
            if (WorkflowSubmitDialog.parmIsClosedOK())
                if (ProjProposalJour::findRecid(recID).LineProperty == ProjLinePropertyCode::Open)
                    // Validates and disallow workflow submission when project is in closed stage for invoice proposal.
                    // Create a new workflow from the workflow template used on the workflow configuration associated to the journal's journal name.
                    Workflow::activateFromWorkflowType(workflowTemplateName, _args.record().RecId, wfComment, NoYes::No);
                    // Set the workflow status to Submitted.
        // Make the form refresh its common workflow UI controls.
    public static void refreshCaller(Args _args)
        FormRun         callerForm;
        FormDataSource  projProposalJourDS;
        if (_args.caller())
            if (SysDictClass::isEqualOrSuperclass(classidget(_args.caller()), classnum(FormRun)))
                callerForm = _args.caller();
                projProposalJourDS = FormDataUtil::getFormDataSource(_args.record());
                if (projProposalJourDS)
    /// <summary>
    /// Validates project stage to allow creation of invoice proposal before submit to workflow. An error will be thrown if project stage is not allowed for invoice proposal creation.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_proposalId">
    /// Reference to invoice proposal ID.
    /// </param>
    protected static void disallowSubmitIfProjStageIsClosed(ProjProposalId _proposalId)
        ProjProposalTransUnion projProposalTransUnion;
        ProjTable projTable;
        while select ProjId, Status, Type, ProjInvoiceProjId
              from projTable
                 exists join projProposalTransUnion
                     where projProposalTransUnion.ProjId == projTable.ProjId
                         && projProposalTransUnion.ProposalId == _proposalId
            if (projTable && !ProjStatusTypeRule::exist(projTable.Status, projTable.Type, ProjStatusRule::CreateInvoiceProposal))
                throw error(strFmt("@Proj:ProjClosedStageSubmitToWorkflowError", projTable.ProjId, projTable.Stage()));
 guide me on which instruction where the submit button action triggered.
Thanks in advance.
  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 283,860 Moderator on at
    Submit button called in PSAProjInvoiceProposalSubmitToWF

    Can you explain your question, please? What is it exactly where and how you need help with?
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 225,155 Moderator on at
    Submit button called in PSAProjInvoiceProposalSubmitToWF
    I'm not sure what you're looking for, but probably for this:
    // Create a new workflow from the workflow template used on the workflow configuration associated to the journal's journal name.
    Workflow::activateFromWorkflowType(workflowTemplateName, _args.record().RecId, wfComment, NoYes::No);

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